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General Purposes

Youth Initiative for Human Rights - Bosnia

  • Program Civil Society
  • Program Area Special Initiatives
  • Grant Amount $100,000
  • Grant Period January 1, 2012–December 31, 2013
  • Location Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina
  • Geographic Focus Bosnia and Herzegovina

About this grant

The program goal is to strengthen youth engagement and activism on issues of transitional justice and human rights promotion in Bosnia and Herzegovina. To this end, the Youth Initiative for Human Rights – Bosnia, a nongovernmental organization in Bosnia and Herzegovina, will organize networking, training, and educational activities designed to empower young people to be more involved in shaping how Bosnian society deals with the legacy of war, addresses ongoing human rights issues, and integrates into the wider Europe. During 2010-2011, the grantee implemented a wide range of new programming and strengthened management and staff capacities. The grantee continued to develop interactive, innovative, and dynamic approaches to raising awareness among the general public and young people, in particular, about key human rights issues facing their society and communities. Particular emphasis will be given to including young people from isolated communities in the grantee’s activities and networks. Registered in Bosnia in late 2009, the grantee was formerly the branch office of the Serbian Youth Initiative for Human Rights, a long-time Mott grantee.