Assets & Education Initiative
University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc.
- Program Education
- Program Area Graduating High School College & Career Ready
- Grant Amount $200,000
- Grant Period December 1, 2014–June 30, 2017
- Location Lawrence, KS, United States
- Geographic Focus United States
About this grant
Early evidence on the relationship between college savings accounts and college enrollment played a prominent role in motivating policymakers in San Francisco to establish the Kindergarten-to-College initiative, which provides every child in the city a matched, college savings account at kindergarten enrollment. This grant will enable the University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., to further examine the relationship between children’s savings and the educational outcomes of children in order to strengthen the policy case for, maintain momentum behind, and spur broader adoption of children’s savings accounts. Mott funds will support the grantee’s independent research activities and projects in collaboration with other institutions, including the Department of Education. Grant funds will also support dissemination efforts aimed at making assets and education research more accessible to practitioners, policymakers, the media, and the general public. The grantee has provided professional social work education for over 60 years.