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Association of Community Advice Offices of South Africa (ACAOSA)

National Alliance for the Development of Community Advice Offices

  • Program Civil Society
  • Program Area Increasing Access to Justice
  • Grant Amount $50,000
  • Grant Period January 1, 2014–December 31, 2014
  • Location Johannesburg, South Africa
  • Geographic Focus South Africa

About this grant

The National Alliance for the Development of Community Advice Offices is committed to the development and long-term sustainability of community-based advice offices in South Africa. Since 2012, the grantee has been supporting the emergence of a representative voice for community-based advice offices by supporting provincial forums that represent their interests in the country’s nine provinces. Past support assisted with formalizing the forums through the establishment of the Association of Community Advice Offices of South Africa, whose aim is to bring together all community-based advice offices into one national association that will be the voice of this sector. This grant increase will enable the grantee to assist the association to register as an independent entity, develop its administrative capacity through recruiting staff, and develop and manage program and operational plans. The grantee will also host a conference to foster better understanding of the work of community-based advice offices. This grant increase has been made possible by a partnership with Atlantic Philanthropies in support of the community advice office sector.