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Monitoring BNDES Sustainability

Instituto de Energia e Meio Ambiente

  • Program Environment
  • Program Area Transforming Development Finance
  • Grant Amount $200,000
  • Grant Period September 1, 2018–August 31, 2020
  • Location Pinheiros, Brazil
  • Geographic Focus Brazil

About this grant

The Instituto de Energia e Meio Ambiente is a nonprofit Brazilian think tank focused on research, analysis, and policy evaluation to contribute to socially and environmentally sustainable energy and transportation development and finance. Over the past project period, the grantee monitored thermoelectric development and finance, developed environmental standards, and organized the first international conference in Brazil on the importance of environmental standards for expansion of thermoelectric power plants. This project will support the grantee to research, develop, and propose landscape-level environmental and sectoral planning tools to guide and mitigate impacts of the planned expansion of fossil-fuel dependent power plants.