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Strengthening Evidence, Engagement and Impact on Energy Poverty

Practical Action

  • Program Environment
  • Program Area Advancing Climate Change Solutions
  • Grant Amount $250,000
  • Grant Period April 1, 2015–August 31, 2018
  • Location Rugby, United Kingdom
  • Geographic Focus World

About this grant

Practical Action is an international nongovernmental organization that uses technology to address poverty in developing countries. To focus attention on the importance of addressing modern clean energy sources for poor people, Practical Action launched the "Poor People’s Energy Outlook" in 2010. This grant will support the publication over the next two years, continuing to provide the global environment and development community with data and information on small-scale, off-grid, renewable energy as a clear and viable approach to providing energy for poor rural communities. In addition, the grantee will develop comprehensive communication tools to ensure the publication will inform decisionmakers.