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Afterschool Policy and System Building Initiative

Massachusetts Afterschool Partnership

  • Program Education
  • Program Area Advancing Afterschool
  • Grant Amount $200,000
  • Grant Period July 1, 2016–June 30, 2018
  • Location Boston, MA, United States
  • Geographic Focus Massachusetts

About this grant

This grant to the Massachusetts Afterschool Partnership will enable the Massachusetts Afterschool Partnership, to increase the availability of high quality afterschool and summer programs in Massachusetts. Through this grant, the network will work with partners to enhance coordination across education, child care, and workforce sectors in support of afterschool programs by: 1) developing a nonpartisan research paper on afterschool and summer learning programs in Massachusetts; 2) conducting a mapping project and return on investment analysis of existing afterschool program models; and 3) implementing a communications strategy to educate stakeholders, public groups, and families on the accessibility of afterschool and summer programs. The network will share lessons learned with other state networks to enhance coordination across sectors in support of afterschool programs.