Opportunity Youth Entrepreneurship Initiative
Aspen Institute
- Program Education
- Program Area Youth Engagement
- Grant Amount $400,000
- Grant Period May 1, 2017–October 31, 2018
- Location Washington, DC, United States
- Geographic Focus United States
About this grant
There are currently 5.5 million opportunity youth – defined as young people between the ages of 16 – 24 who are neither enrolled in school, nor participating in the labor market in the United States. In 2012, the Aspen Forum for Community Solutions launched the Opportunity Youth Incentive Fund, which is partnering with 23 communities around the country to design and implement collective impact and community collaboration strategies that build and deepen pathways that achieve better outcomes in education and employment for opportunity youth. Mott funding for the Opportunity Youth Entrepreneurship Initiative will enable Aspen Institute’s Forum for Community Solutions to pilot and infuse youth entrepreneurial education into the Opportunity Youth Incentive Fund network at scale. As part of this project, funding will enable the Flint, Michigan community to receive benefits associated with membership in the Opportunity Youth Incentive Fund national network.