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Municipal Finance System Reform

Michigan Municipal League Foundation

  • Program Flint Area
  • Program Area Restoring Community Vitality
  • Grant Amount $36,300
  • Grant Period April 1, 2017–December 31, 2017
  • Location Ann Arbor, MI, United States
  • Geographic Focus Michigan

About this grant

The Michigan Municipal League Foundation’s mission is to help create and maintain vibrant communities in Michigan by funding placemaking projects and educating community leaders and advocates. An important component of vibrant communities is an adequate government financing system that provides enough revenue for a city to provide governmental services. Unfortunately, Michigan does not have a funding system that meets this goal. When a city cannot sustain a reasonable level of services, the quality of life decreases dramatically for all of its citizens, resulting in increased blight, increased crime, and lower quality infrastructure. This grant will help support convenings of stakeholders to collaborate on developing a strategy to improve the municipal finance systems in the state of Michigan.