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Michigan Lead and Copper Rule

University of Michigan

  • Program Environment
  • Program Area Addressing the Freshwater Challenge
  • Grant Amount $250,000
  • Grant Period April 1, 2018–March 31, 2020
  • Location Ann Arbor, MI, United States
  • Geographic Focus Michigan

About this grant

The University of Michigan Water Center will provide education materials for municipal leaders, community groups and other engaged citizens, and technical assistance to the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality to support development and implementation of the revised Michigan Lead and Copper Rule. Prior Mott support was used to lead a team of collaborators and advisers to gain a better understanding of the major issues, barriers, and challenges facing long-term water infrastructure reinvestment in older industrial communities across Michigan. Governor Snyder’s Administration has proposed a new Lead and Copper Rule to replace the badly out-of-date federal rule, and this could impose costs and challenges for Michigan cities. This funding will enable experts from the University of Michigan, in collaboration with one of the nation’s foremost experts on lead in drinking water, to help municipalities and concerned citizens understand the new rule and formulate options to assist in its implementation. The team will also provide technical assistance to the Drinking Water Division of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality to support implementation of the rule, once it is finalized.