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Nonprofit Policy and Research Project

Nonprofit Quarterly

  • Program Civil Society
  • Program Area Strengthening Civic Space
  • Grant Amount $125,000
  • Grant Period January 1, 2020–December 31, 2021
  • Location Boston, MA, United States
  • Geographic Focus United States

About this grant

The project goal is to advance the nonprofit sector’s policy development and advocacy capacity. The Nonprofit Quarterly, whose mission is to promote active democracy and a thriving civil society, is one of the leading publications serving the nonprofit sector in the United States. The grantee aims to build a practice of elucidating policy options and positions in a manner that addresses not only institutional perspectives but those of the communities served by nonprofits and civil society more broadly. Specific activities include: 1) investigating policy proposals affecting nonprofits and philanthropy; 2) producing traditional and new media products that inform the sector; and 3) developing and maintaining partnerships with philanthropic and nonprofit institutions and networks. The Nonprofit Quarterly was launched in late 1999 as a publication of Third Sector New England, and in 2006, it became an independent publication.