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Off Grid Innovations for Livelihoods


  • Program Environment
  • Program Area Advancing Climate Change Solutions
  • Grant Amount $500,000
  • Grant Period June 1, 2019–December 31, 2022
  • Location Voorschoten, Netherlands
  • Geographic Focus Africa

About this grant

The international nongovernmental organization, EnAccess, established in 2017, has developed a methodology for identifying and sharing lessons learned by new and existing energy access entrepreneurs through an open-source online tool. Through this project, the grantee will expand its work, collecting data and disseminating lessons from a broader range of micro-, small-, and medium enterprises in order to address the challenge of financing off-grid livelihood projects. It will document the lessons learned from such projects and share them with a broader community of energy access companies as well as foundations and donors. EnAccess will undertake this work through contracting with small local companies that have experience in delivering livelihoods-based energy access projects but do not have access to financing to expand their businesses in this segment of the clean energy sector.