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Youth Entrepreneurship Curriculum for Afterschool Programs


  • Program Education
  • Program Area Youth Engagement
  • Grant Amount $350,000
  • Grant Period July 1, 2021–December 31, 2022
  • Location Austin, TX, United States
  • Geographic Focus United States

About this grant

VentureLab will continue to provide capacity building and support for the Mott-funded 50 State Networks’ youth entrepreneurship work, as well as content on Mizzen by Mott. Since 2017, the grantee has provided training, technical assistance and professional development resources to the state afterschool networks, enabling the networks to increase the number of afterschool programs offering high-quality entrepreneurship education programming and has increased the number of youth who have opportunities to develop entrepreneurial skills and mindsets. Additionally, VentureLab will continue to develop and implement evaluation and data collection tools that measure and report the impact of entrepreneurial education on educators and students.