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Cities Building Bridges to Postsecondary Success

National League of Cities Institute

  • Program Education
  • Program Area Graduating High School College & Career Ready
  • Grant Amount $300,000
  • Grant Period October 1, 2022–September 30, 2024
  • Location Washington, DC, United States
  • Geographic Focus United States

About this grant

This renewal grant will enable the National League of Cities Institute to continue its efforts to increase the overall number and quality of children’s savings account programs in the United States by helping city leaders connect them to existing city and state initiatives that create stronger financial pathways to and through college and support families’ economic security. During this grant period, the grantee will continue to build and nurture efforts to grow new children’s savings account initiatives in the southeast region. Additionally, during this grant period, the grantee will amplify children’s savings accounts as part of the Mott Foundation’s overall communications strategy, by working with national partners to support cities and regional consortiums to strengthen their existing programs. Established in 1958 and located in Washington, D.C., the National League of Cities Institute is a research, education and training affiliate of the National League of Cities.