Hunters and Anglers for Climate Solutions
Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership
- Program Environment
- Program Area Special Initiatives
- Grant Amount $125,000
- Grant Period October 1, 2021–September 30, 2022
- Location Washington, DC, United States
- Geographic Focus United States
About this grant
A comprehensive approach to addressing climate change should include solutions that harness the power of natural systems. Such nature-based climate solutions include forestry and agricultural practices that sequester carbon and land protection strategies that help communities adapt to the extreme weather events associated with climate change. The Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, a national organization representing hunter and angler groups from across the country, is leading an effort to support nature-based climate solutions at the federal level. With Mott support, the grantee will conduct opinion research, develop an interactive map highlighting successful projects and undertake additional activities to educate decision makers, hunters, anglers and other stakeholders about nature-based climate solutions.