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Mott responds to war in Ukraine
Ukrainian flag flying in the wind with a blue sky in the background.

Civil Society

Mott responds to war in Ukraine

The Mott Foundation stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine.

Global goals, local solutions
A group of leaders that include Rachel Bowen Pittman, Executive Director of United Nations Association of the USA, Helen Bond, Ph.D, Howard University associate professor of education, Salah Goss, senior vice president for social impact at the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth and Ridgway White, president and chief executive officer of the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation are sitting on stage as panelists as they discuss how each of their organizations are working toward the achievement of the SDGs. One woman is speaking into a microphone as the other three panelists listen. A screen behind the group has logos for American Leadership on the Sustainable Development Goals, Center for Sustainable Development at Brookings, and United Nations Foundation.

Mott Perspectives | Civil Society

Global goals, local solutions

How can we solve global issues like poverty and inequality? Mott President and CEO Ridgway White explains why solutions start with communities.