Flint’s Kayla Shannon takes silver at national NAACP youth competition
Spoken-word artist Kayla Shannon was one of two Flint, Michigan, teens to medal in the national ACT-SO competition at the NAACP’s annual convention.
We seek to respond to new strategies, unique opportunities, and changing social, economic and political contexts.
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The Special Initiatives program area enables the Education team to maintain relationships with organizations that have developed expertise on issues that inform and add value to our work.
Special Initiatives grantmaking focuses on two areas: Maintaining Relationships and Unplanned Opportunities.
A significant percentage of Special Initiatives funding is directed toward preserving connections with key grantees who provide insight on the changing social, economic and political contexts that may affect the goals of our grantmaking plan.
Special Initiatives funding also provides the flexibility to take advantage of unplanned, collaborative or time-sensitive opportunities that inform the current or future activities of the Education program.
Proposals are by invitation only. Unsolicited proposals are discouraged.
And, just when you think everything has been accomplished related to a specific topic or organization, you realize it is yet again time for change.”WILLIAM S. WHITE, MOTT FOUNDATION PRESIDENT, 1976-2014
Spoken-word artist Kayla Shannon was one of two Flint, Michigan, teens to medal in the national ACT-SO competition at the NAACP’s annual convention.