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Integrating Advocacy: Building Policy Capacity

Stanford University

  • Program Civil Society
  • Program Area Strengthening Civic Space
  • Grant Amount $300,000
  • Grant Period October 1, 2024–September 30, 2026
  • Location Redwood City, CA, United States
  • Geographic Focus Africa, Central America, North America, South America, World

About this grant

The goal of this grant is to integrate advocacy and build policy capacity in civil society leaders across the world. During the grant period, the Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society will expand the study of the social and political impacts of technology and how they affect the health of society and democracy more broadly. To this end, the grantee will: 1) merge with the Cyber Policy Center and develop policy recommendations; 2) explore educational opportunities for students and professionals; and 3) assess its community outreach strategies. During the previous grant period, the grantee managed the Digital Civil Society Lab, supporting a network of practitioners who produced and disseminated usable knowledge on contemporary problems related to technology, political polarization and threats to democracy. Beyond the fellowships, the Lab disseminated its research and engaged with the sector through teaching and organizing globally accessible events.